airport name: | Zurich Airport |
chapels: | main chapel: check-in level in Terminal2near observation deck chapel in transit area (Non-schengen-Area) , D Gates next to the Transit Hotel |
chapel hours: | always open |
worship: | noon – 12:20 pm Wednesday Midday Prayer noon – 12:40 pm Friday Guided Meditation for worship see: |
chaplains’ office: | Airportchaplaincy Zurich P.O. Box 2272 CH-8060 ZURICH AIRPORT, SWITZERLAND |
right next to the chapel | |
08:30 am – 05:00 pm Monday to Friday | |
+41 (0) 43 / 816 – 5757 | | | |
chaplaincy website: | |
airport website: | |
last update: 2021-11-18